Limited Edition Of New BlackBerry Bold Phone | Make Life Easier Make Life Easier

Limited Edition Of New BlackBerry Bold Phone

New Blackberry Bold cellphone the classic mobile phone of the day arrived as blast in the market and sold so rapidly that no other cellphone before. Yellow BlackBerry Gold entered in to the market and very soon will get grate hype so almost all are sold out.

The limited addition of Blackberry Bold from Selfridges is almost sold out. Although this is toughest period of recession but still people are finding for some best luxury and stylish pieces so if you are also wishing to burn your pockets then buy this newest Yellow Blackberry Bold handset but bad news for you that is you are eying one this handset because not as good as still is that out of the remaining four, two have already been earmarked and practically all of them would be sold by the weekend. The cost of this luxury handset is massive £1000. Unique Blackberry Bold is the classic, bold and stylish.Via

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