Asus P835 | Make Life Easier Make Life Easier

Asus P835

Asus just recently announced their new Windows PDA phone P835. Apparently it is designed for “business-savvy professionals” but we don’t see why a teenage girl wouldn’t use this. It has a big 3.5″ screen for those YouTube vidoes, a fast internet connection for instant Facebook status updates and uploading pics and videos you can shoot with the 5MP auto focus camera and 4GB of internal memory for some music.

But most important of it all is the ability switch between 12-key, half-Qwerty and full-Qwerty virtual keyboard modes, for fastest texting ever!

All that’s great but the A-GPS receiver makes it even better. ASUS however did not release any information about what kind of GPS navigation application would be pre-installed on this. But since the OS is Microsoft Windows® Mobile 6.1™ Professional you can install whatever you want for your navigation needs.

Other specs include 1100mAh lithium battery, Qualcomm 7201A 528MHz processor, 288MB RAM, microSD card slot, and Wi-Fi and bluetooth.

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