Broken iPhone Glass? Touch Screen Still Functional? | Make Life Easier Make Life Easier

Broken iPhone Glass? Touch Screen Still Functional?

Now, its ONLY the glass, if your touchscreen doesn't work, you need the whole panel.
Case remover tool, Mini Phillip screwdiver, plastic knife/spudge
Glue remover, (Goo Gone)
Glass Adhesive, preferably quick dry.

Now. To the directions.


We need knowledge on how to take apart the iPhone. But not the whole thing!

Just the back cover, the antenna cover and the Metal frame!

Easy enough?

Remember, All we need to do is remove the cable latch of the Headphone wire, from the back ,metal cover. and the Metal chrome frame surrounding the screen.

1) Remove all 10 screws around the screen. don't lose em!

2) Remove the Frame.

3) Now that the glass is exposed, use a blunt knife, plastic or wooden reccomended. Or a plastic spudger, Carefully SCRAPE ! yes SCRAPE off the cracked parts.

4) Now, the glass is GLUED ON TO THE LCD SCREEN, Be very careful, you do not want to puncture the LCD. This is where the GOO GONE comes in. Spray a bit on the exposed surfaces under the crack, DON'T GET THE INSIDE OF THE PHONE WET, this included the cables, and the logic board, and the battery!

5) Repeat. (avoid touching the home button)

6) Eventually you'll be able to pull off the rest of the glass.

7) When Done. Carefully add some glue on to the edges of the LCD, making a rectangular kind of shape. Make sure you spread it evenly, cause there is no way back when you place it on.

8) Put a dot of glue on the Glass you bought.

9) Smear it on the black corners.

10) CAREFULLY MEASURE out WHERE IT goes! THE POSITION is VERY IMPORTANT. ( Note the HOME button is the key)

11) Glue it on and place it on , let it dry for a while , ( place it near the sun, but not directly, like near the window) for around 5-10 minutes

12) Okay , Now its time to reattach the frame, and screw it back on.

13) Reattach the ribbon cable on the headphones on the back cover.

14) Pop the frame back on, pop the black antenna cover back in and you're SET!!

Thanks for reading hope this helps.

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