BlackBerry Curve Outsells the iPhone 3G | Make Life Easier Make Life Easier

BlackBerry Curve Outsells the iPhone 3G

Yes, it’s true. The RIM BlackBerry Curve (all 8300 models) is officially the best-selling smartphone for the first quarter of 2009. This is probably going to give the upcoming RIM BlackBerry Curve 8900 (coming this Summer) a little push up to the top, considering it’s similarities to the 8300.
Based on U.S. consumer sales of smartphone handsets in NPD’s “Smartphone Market Update” report, the first-quarter 2009 ranking of the top-five best-selling smartphones is as follows:
1. RIM BlackBerry Curve (all 8300 models)
2. Apple iPhone 3G (all models)
3. RIM BlackBerry Storm
4. RIM BlackBerry Pearl (all models, except flip)
5. T-Mobile G1

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