Grand Haven Bail Bonds Are Often The Only Route To Release From Custody | Make Life Easier Make Life Easier

Grand Haven Bail Bonds Are Often The Only Route To Release From Custody

By Peter Butler

Most people will be surprised to learn just how many people are arrested each day. Some of them are accused of heinous crimes but the majority are ordinary citizens that made very bad decisions or took dangerous risks. When arrested, nothing is more important than to appoint a criminal defence attorney without delay. If necessary, he will make sure that Grand Haven bail bonds are organized immediately in order to secure the release of the accused.

Every accused has the right to request to be released until the case is heard. Soon after being arrested and charged, the accused will attend a hearing where his request for release is heard. First offenders, those that pose no danger to themselves or society and those that have roots in the community are routinely granted their request. However, they are required to pay a set amount to serve as security that they will appear in court.

The security must be paid in cash before the accused can be released. If the accused does not have the money and is unable to obtain help from someone else, they still have the option of asking for a loan from a bondsman. They are specialized financiers that provide almost instant loans to arrested people to pay their securities.

In order to qualify for a loan from a bondsman the accused must have assets that will cover the amount involved. If he does not have assets or if he cannot get someone to underwrite the loan he will have to remain in custody until he can raise the necessary amount. If the loan is approved, the security will be paid immediately after signing a legal agreement with the bondsman.

There are good reasons for allowing the attorney to deal with the bondsman. When arrested, most people are bewildered, stressed and full of anxiety. They are not likely to study the terms and conditions of the contract offered by the bondsman and they do not consider the idea to approach more than one bondsman in order to make comparisons. An attorney can make sure that his client is treated fairly.

Non compliance with the stipulations of the contract with the bondsman can have serious consequences. The bondsman will be within his rights to confiscate the assets that were pledged as security. He may even institute a civil claim against the client. This can easily plunge the client into a financial crisis and compromise the security of his family. It is therefore vital to honour every clause of the contract.

If the defendant fail to appear in court the bondsman can be appointed as bounty hunter. His task is then to locate the accused and to bring him before the court. This can be an expensive exercise and the accused will be held responsible for the cost. In addition, the accused will forfeit his security and he will most probably be kept in custody until his trial date.

Bondsmen have many critics. They do offer a useful service, however. Without them, thousands of accused that cannot raise the necessary money will have to languish in jail. Their families may suffer without the income they used to earn.

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